Saletta's Lazy S Ranch is a family ranch. For nearly 50 years, we have cared for an average of 50 to 80 horses daily.
Though our rules may seem numerous, they are necessary for us to continue our business. Ranch Manager Robert will remind you of some of the rules you may have missed, but in no time at all you will be comfortable boarding with us in a safe and affordable environment.
We pride ourselves on keeping our rates as low as possible while providing for the safety of all our customers and their horses.
We strongly encourage all new boarders to read and understand these rules before deciding to board with us.
We expect you to be financially solvent enough to provide proper care for your horses. We need to have a way to get in touch with you at any time in case any of your horses experience an emergency.
No person shall handle, ride, or participate in any horse activity until a participant’s hold harmless agreement has been completed, signed, and accepted.
Children should be supervised and in attendance of an adult at all times. No climbing, including shavings, hay, or other areas of the barn and ranch.
No smoking in any area of the ranch other than inside a vehicle or by areas at pasture lanes as designated by Ranch Manager Robert.
No dogs are allowed on the ranch.
No bicycles or motorized bikes around any horse activity areas
Use trash containers only. Muck buckets are only for hay and manure.
The Speed limit on Wellsford Rd. is 35 MPH.
The Speed on the ranch is 5 MPH in all areas.
Park in designated areas only,
Trailers: Please do not load or unload horses in the main driveways.
Ok on the dirt margin near the round corral, at the North end of the covered arena, or behind the stored trailers.
Pick up manure or shavings that spill out when loading or unloading. Deposit in the muck buckets or manure pile.
Leave or store your horse trailer in your designated parking space only.
The ranch is open from dawn to 10 pm for activities with our horse. I is closed from 10 pm to dawn for activities other than emergencies. Please notify management of expected earlier departures or late arrivals with horses.
A helmet with a chin strap must be worn by minors when jumping sixteen inches or higher. Minors must also have a parent or the instructor in attendance during any activity.
No Riding Double
Do not lope or canter your horse in the yard area.
Do not allow your horse at liberty in the yard area. A loose horse could injure itself or someone else.
Lawns are not pastures. Do not allow horses to graze on the lawns. “lawn” is green grass that we water and mow.
Do not tie to trees, fences, or bleachers. Use hitch racks, tie rings, or X-ties only.
Clean up after your horse when tied or unloading from a trailer. Deposit manure and shed hair in muck buckets or manure pile.
Wash horses at wash racks only.
Keep horse concrete.
Conserve water and overflow by using low volume and turning off when not being applied to the horse.
Do not wash manure or hair into the drain at the indoor wash rack.
Do not use other people’s halters, tack, grooming aids, or buckets: including ranch equipment.
Ranch equipment that is available for general use: Ranch implements such as muck-rakes, shovels, brooms, etc. need to stay in the area they reside.
The Ferrier Muck Bucket goes in the dumpster only, not on the manure pile as it inevitably ends up containing ferrier waste.
Double-check all Gates to be sure they are latched and/or snapped.
We charge a $25.00 fee for wrangling your horse if you fail to latch and/or snap your enclosure gate.
Close and lock tack rooms when you or other users are not immediately present.
Example: go to catch your horse in the pasture or while riding. Or going to the bathroom (just for a minute).
The feeding area is off-limits to all except for designated staff and management.
Do not bring your horse near the feeding area.
Shared Tack Rooms
No Feed or Grain allowed in Tack Rooms
Please keep your space clean, dusted, and swept
keep all grooming aids in one suitable size container (5 Gal. Bucket)
If your supplies are scattered o not in a secure container, expect them to be picked up and disposed of.
Label your equipment and supplies (See Robert for Tape and Marker)
Maximum 2 saddle rack spaces per horse, if available.
No Racks are for pads, if space is limited, stack saddles.
Keep your tack together
No storage containers other than equivalent 5 gal. bucket
Heavy saddles on lower racks.
English saddles on upper racks
Maximum: 2 bridle hooks per horse
Grain Room
Grain and supplements storage including access, must be authorized by the Ranch.
Grain and supplement storage is only allowed for horses on daily grain rations.
All grain and supplements must be stored in a secure container, and metal trash cans in good condition. No sacks or paper boxes (due to rodents)
Identify all containers with your last name, not the horse's name. Keep cans clean.
One large container per horse.
No children under 12 are allowed in the grain room due to medications that will be available.
Do not allow your horse to eat grass or alfalfa that is lying somewhere on your journeys.
Any hay or feed left out for 3days during the winter or 5 days during the summer will be picked up and disposed of without notice.
This could easily colic your horse.
Do not take any hay or pellets. It will be personally provided to you as per your request by Ranch Manager Robert.
Do not move horses to different pastures, paddocks, or stalls without permission from Ranch Managers, Tia and/or Robert.
The exceptions would be for emergencies or to keep a pasture horse up for the farrier or vet. Always inform Ranch Manager Robert at (415) 876-9542
All equipment including barrels, jumps, etc. used in any arena must be picked up when you are finished.
Outdoor and indoor arenas are not for turnout. Use a designated turnout corral.
Horses are only allowed to be turned out in any pasture between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 Py.